Patron-in-Chief's Desk

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.”
Dear Parents
As the great Albert Einstein once said, "Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think". As the earth continues to circle the sun, KBPS will continue to grow and develop with passion and inspiration, we believe that each and every child will be transformed into global leaders of tomorrow. To elevate the overall performance and achievement level of all educators and learners, we equip them with modern learning experiences and competencies so that we enable them to become critical thinkers, socially aware, and concerned citizens.
Individuality is of paramount importance in our school so both traditional and modern educational values are respected and encouraged to coexist. We believe that every learner is unique and special and they all have the ability to learn. We believe it is our responsibility as educators to nurture and develop every learner to prepare them for life.
At KBPS, the educational curriculum strives for excellence by preparing students for learning beyond their school years and enable them to attain his/her maximum potential, both academically and socially.Our infrastructure, experienced and efficient administration, rigorous scholastic programs from academic to dance, theatre, music, and a variety of sports are all aimed at grooming the holistic development of a child. With these qualities, our students will certainly imbibe the knowledge to help them to reach new heights of greatness with each academic year and become responsible global citizens.
Abdul Hamid Choudhary